BlackBerry FAQ

For Singapore Users!

BlackBerry FAQ - For Singapore Users!

Backing Up Data

How to backup my data?

Using your BlackBerry Device
For OS7 & above, this comes as a built in feature on the device. To use it see: HERE
Alternative, for those sporting OS4.2 – OS6, try this free app by S4BB called Data Backup

Using your computer:

Select Backup and Restore

Select Backup

Choose location to save it to

Let it save..

Once done, it should look like this

For Advanced users, you can use the below method to manually restore or backup a certain portion of your device

Select Advanced

Select manually

On the right, will be your device’s database. Select/highlight the right and select the arrow to back it up. Save the file by selecting file, “save as”

On the left, will be your backed up database. You can open a previously backed up data by selecting file, “open”

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