BlackBerry FAQ

For Singapore Users!

BlackBerry FAQ - For Singapore Users!

Hidden shortcuts

Notes: the alternates refers to the “alt” key found on the left hand bottom corner of your keyboard

Enterprise Activation

Spoiler Inside SelectShow

Address Book

Spoiler Inside SelectShow


Spoiler Inside SelectShow


Spoiler Inside SelectShow


Spoiler Inside SelectShow

Search Application

Spoiler Inside SelectShow

Home Screen

Spoiler Inside SelectShow

WLAN (WLAN wizard screen)

Spoiler Inside SelectShow

Theme (from theme menu)

Spoiler Inside SelectShow

Date/Time (Date/Time menu – No ALT+ required)

Spoiler Inside SelectShow

SIM Card (Options->Advanced->SIM card – No ALT+ required)

Spoiler Inside SelectShow

Status (Options->Status)

Spoiler Inside SelectShow

Smart System Codes

You can obtain various types of information by entering smart code on your device. From your BlackBerry device go into messages and compose a new email, then enter one of the following smart codes in the text feild and press space.

Spoiler Inside SelectShow

Shortcuts of all country flags in BBM5
*AG* *AL* *AM* *AN* *AO* *AR* *AT* *AW* *AZ* *BA* *BB* BD* *BE* *BF* *BG* *BH* *BI* *BJ* *BM* *BN* *BO* *BR* *BS* *BT* *BW* *BY* *BZ* *CD* *CF* *CG* *CH* *CI* *CK* *CL* *CM* *CN* *CO* *CR* *CS* *CU* *CV* *CY* *CZ* *DE* *DJ* *DK* *DM* *DO* *DZ* *EC* *EE* *EG* *ES* *ET* *FI* *FJ* *FK* *FM* *FO* *FR* *GA* *GD* *GE* *GH* *GI* *GL* *GM* *GN* *GQ* *GR* *GT* *GW* *GY* *HK* *HN* *HR* *HT* *HU* *ID* *IE* *IL* *IN* *IQ* *IR* *IS* *IT* *JM* *JO* *JP* *KE* *KG* *KH* *KI* *KM* *KN* *KP* *KR* *KW* *KY* *KZ* *LA* *LB* *LK* *LR* *LS* *LU* *LV* *LY* *MA* *MC* *MD* *MG* *MK* *ML* *MM* *MN* *MO* *MO* *MR* *MS* *MT* *MU* *MV* *MW* *MX* *MY* *MZ* *NA* *NC* *NE* *NG* *NI* *NL* *NZ* *OM* *PA* *PE* *PF* *PG* *PH* *PK* *PL* *PM* *PR* *PT* *PW* *PY* *QA* *RE* *RO* *RU* *RW* *SA* *SB* *SC* *SD* *SE* *SG* *SI* *SK* *SL* *SM* *SN* *SO* *SR* *ST* *SV* SY* *SZ* *TC* *TD* *TG* *TH* *TJ* *TM* *TN* *TO* *TR* *TT* *TW* *TZ* *UA* *UG* *UK* *UY* *UZ* *VC* *VE* *VG* *VN* *VU* *WS* *YE* *ZA* *ZM* *ZW*

All codes here are provided “as is” and the authors hold no responsibility to any damages that occur to your phone. Try at your own risk.

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